Sunday, September 20, 2009

Five Senses

This week we will be exploring the five senses.  Students will participate in the following activities.
* Make individual books about their senses.  
* Find and cut out pictures of things you can taste, smell, see, feel, and touch from magazines.
* Play various sense-related games such as I Spy and Mystery Box.
* Make an "I can touch..." caterpillar.
* Tasting activity...bitter, sweet, salty, and sour.
* Listen to a variety of Read Alouds pertaining to the 5 senses.

Math- activities involving numbers, parts of a whole and relationships between numbers
Journal- Students will write in their journals each day.  We will begin our story dictation with parent volunteers this week.

Miscellaneous Info:
-Two homework activities will be in the brown folder.  Please send them in as finished.
-Me Posters are due this week.
-Don't forget....We have Show and Tell every Friday!
-Kindergarten Pizza Night is September 23rd.  Hope to see you there!
-Please let me know if you are interested in volunteering for our field trip to the Children's Museum on September 30th.  

I can't believe it's already our 5th week of school!  Let's make it a great one!  :)

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